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regional economic organization中文是什么意思

用"regional economic organization"造句"regional economic organization"怎么读"regional economic organization" in a sentence


  • 区域性经济组织


  • On the international law base of regional economic organization
  • Jiangsu context of globalization and regional economic organizations to coordinate research
  • The enlightenment of the eu ' s prosperity and the cmea ' s winding - up for the development of regional economic organizations
  • It will be the third largest fta in the world , after the eu and nafta . cafta , a regional organization consisting mainly of developing countries ( except singapore ) , will be the first regional economic organization that china joins formally
  • Chapter three explores the strategy 、 principle of elimination the conflicts , and talks about the possibility of eliminating the conflicts under cepa . the last chapter gives suggestions on how to coordinate the conflicts on the basis of other regional economic organizations " practice
  • Founded in 1989 , the asian pacific economic cooperation ( apec ) has been one of the most important economic forums in the asian pacific region . the aggregated value of gross domestic product of the 21 apec economies accounts for about half of that of the total in the whole world , thus making apec as a whole the most powerful regional economic organization over the world
    成立于1989年的亚太经济合作组织( apec )是亚洲太平洋地区重要的具有论坛性质的经济合作组织, 21个apec经济体的经济实力总和占到世界经济总量的约一半,使apec成为在世界范围内实力最强大区域经济组织。
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